Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's the most wonderfull time of the year

We love Christmas. We've been wanting to put these pictures up for a while now, so here they finaly are. Hope you enjoy them. Not too much new has been happening around here, but we did get Nick in for his four month well baby on friday. He weighed 18 lbs, 2oz, 95%. 26in tall, 90%. head 75-90%. He will now only fit in 6 month clothes. I'm worried he will never fin in anything for more than a month at a time:(


Mike and Adrianne said...

Holy freak. What do you feed him? We just took Isaac in for his four month check up this week (we were a little late) and he was only 12 lbs 12 oz. He was 26 3/4 in long. Isn't that funny?

We like your pictures and as long as you don't start posting ones where Nic is in the mouth of a tiger, we won't turn you into the department of health services.

Shannon said...

That is amazing!! My kids usually weigh 18 lbs at 1 year. They barely register on the growth charts. Last time Emmie was in the 1% for weight.

Jess and Jason said...

I love the pics of Nic. I love his little arm rolls! Austin was always off the charts.
At Austin's 4month check-up he weighed 18pounds 8ounces and was 27 1/2inches long.
So he actually was bigger than Nic!

Jess and Jason said...

It sure looks like you all have a lot of nice big presents there! Which ones are for me!?!

Pitcher Family said...

Braden just asked if that was Santa when he was I baby. I told him it was cousin Nic, and he told me, No, it's Santa!
What a cute big guy you have!! Have a wonderful Christmas. You actually have more snow than we do.. amazing!!

Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

We feed him milk... and we just started on rice cereal. He chews on his blanket, but I don't think that that counts. On the other hand Laura drinks a quart of miracle grow every other day...
It's a good thing we havn't posted the pics of Nick in the oven on the stove, but a lion sounds even better.
Laura wrapped up a bunch of empty boxes for her foto shoot. When she took the pictures, we hadn't even started christmas shopping yet.
Mandy, that's HILLARIOUS. Laura and I couldn't stop laughing.