I was just looking at how different my children are. You would think with the same parents they would be more alike...But I guess if you look at the five Richards children you see how different siblings can be...(hello, look at Michael!)
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to compare all of the one year olds in our families if any of you still have this info!
Austin (at 12months 6days) weighed 27.5pounds and was 32.5 inches tall (long)
Layla (at 15months) weighed 25 pounds and was 32inches long
Ryan (at 13months) weighed 24pounds and was 31.5 inches long
No wonder Ryan seems so much skinnier than the other two!! He really is!
Will was 19 1/2 lbs and 29 1/2 inches. Isaac was 14 lbs and 27 3/4 inches as of about three weeks ago.
Last week Nicholas was 21 lbs and 29 inches.
OK, so Nic is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Will is tiny!
How old are the babies? 7 and 1/2 months and 7 months? I would love to see pictures of everyone! HINT HINT
This shocks me. Alyssa just had her year check up and was 17 lbs 1 oz. You all have huge babies. My poor girls will be in car seats until they learn to drive.
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