Saturday, June 07, 2008


Monday we are planning a picnic, with pictures to begin the day. That evening we will be having our unbirthday party. Let's talk specifics.

10am Pictures at park
Play at park
12pm Picnic at park

Go home, do whatever you want
Prepare for party, get food ready
Activities for kids, like make decorations, plans some games, etc.

6pm Food and party

How does that time frame sound? Would you rather start the pictures and picnic later? I know we are all coming from different time zones, so we need to take that into account. My family is early risers, but everyone else might not be. Share your thougths on this.

Food for Monday
~we talked about breakfast in an earlier post
~picnic -What do you want?
sandwiches, chips, cookies, veges, fruit?
or chicken, salads, eclairs?
~party appetizers
layer dip/chips
artichoke heart dip
spinach dip
vege pizza
What else?? What do your kids like? Fondue?

Ok, now everyone needs to weigh in on this day, both activities, timing and food.


Dad and Mom said...

I love appetixers! Do we want to set up the chocolate fountain? I think that if we put it outside that it wouldn't be too messy. We'll have to see how the weather is. I already have some bagel bites (tiny pizzas) that most little kids like, we could also have little smokies for the kids.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm think of an appetizers that my kids like but that adults should like too: bbq smokies or smokies wrapped in bacon. I am positive Will won't eat the mushrooms, although Isaac probably will. They will love the chips.

Mike and Adrianne said...

The time for the activities sound good. My boys wake up at 7:00 usually, sometimes 6:30, rarely 8:00. 10:00 sounds good to me for the pictures. Isaac takes a nap at 2:00 so I think that will give them plenty of time to play and eat.

Jess and Jason said...

I think that we need to have bread bowl. That may be on your list, but I need it!

Also, I think you should all try buffalo chicken good!

Mike and Adrianne said...

As for the picnic, I would prefer chicken and salads over that how you spell that?


Pitcher Family said...

Once we had a funny chocolate fountain experience. It was at an enrichment luncheon. It was outside and it was a windy day. The wind blew the chocolate all over the rest of the food on the table. They cleaned it up, then plugged it in again and it happened again. Finally, we just dipped out of the chocolate instead of havving it be a fountain. It was a messy but yummy luncheon.
We are fine with any foods. I like all your ideas. What about icecream or cake since it's a birthday party? Or ice cream cake.
Laura, I only wish my kids would sleep in that late. I have never had a child that sleeps in, regardless of how late they stay up. Lucky you!!

Richards in Seattle said...

I think that we would like to start a little later. Sarah does not get up until 8:30-9am. I am afraid that she will be cranky if we get moving that early. If we could do pictures at 11, then she can sleep until 10-10:30 (7:30am our time) and not be as cranky. The rest of us are okay with the earlier time though. I guess that we are the lazy ones! How far away is the park?

The food sounds good, Sarah loves PB&J for snacks and lunch. We like little smokies also! Meatballs for appetizers are good too.

The chocolate fountain sounds like a fun idea too.

Jess and Jason said...

Are we going to have chicken at the beach? Do we want to have chicken twice in one week? Does it matter?

Mike and Adrianne said...

Adrianne thinks we ought to have white chocolate popcorn. She said she'll find a recipe

Pitcher Family said...

that sounds sooo good! We buy those puffs (they are prepopped popcorn without any seeds,so no chocking babies) then we just melt white chocolate over it and toss it. Sometimes we add sprinkles and sometimes pretzels, too. Sooo yummy!