Saturday, August 16, 2008

He is on his knees

He's not ready to crawl but he is already getting himself on his knees and he is able to wiggle himself quite a ways from where we lay him down.


Pitcher Family said...

He is probably tired of watching the boys run by. He's ready to join the chasing!

Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

Or maybe he's just looking a quite spot to avoid the running around.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Andy is probably right! He is really interested in the boys and I think when he starts crawling he will follow them everywhere. But, he gets beat up by them too so maybe he IS trying to find a quiet spot!

Jess and Jason said...

He is so cute. It is hard to believe that he is big enough to be on his hands and knees (or elbows!). I have known quite a few babies who will rock themselves back and forth while in this position, does he do that yet?