Friday, March 27, 2009

Scripture reading and an early morning conversation

A conversation during scripture reading.
Mike: Isaac, what did you hear in that verse?
Isaac: Arson
Mike: Yep, you heard, 'our sins.' What does sin mean?
Isaac: Idun know.
Mike: Sinning is when you do something naughty.
Isaac: Nike spitting
Mike: That's right.
Will: And, and, and, and, and like hitting.
Mike: That's right.
Will: Hey! Hit and spit rhyme!
Adrianne: They sure do.
Will repeats the next verse as Mike reads it.
Mike: Will, what did you hear in that verse?
Will: Isle of the king.
Mike: That's right. You heard, 'Isle of the sea."

Isaac tells Adrianne about the Book of Mormon early one morning

Neepfi tried to keel his brudder da Lamans. Idun know why ee did it, but ee tried to keel dem.


Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

I want to give Isaac's Book of Mormon a try. It sounds very interesting.

Jess and Jason said...

I love that quote from Ike! He is so cute.