Saturday, March 28, 2009

We have been "reading" the scriptures each evening before bed with Austin, Layla, Ryan, Nick, Grandpa, Grandma, and Laura (and Noah, a sometimes noisy but always incoherent participant), while Jason and Jessica have been soaking up the sun in Mexico this last week. It's been very interesting. Like Mike, I ask questions about the scriptures (we each read just one) that we read, and I'm amazed at the things even Austin doesn't understand as we read. We just thougt y'all could understand them if you could say them when we read scriptures years ago. To see if the kids were paying attention after Austin's scripture, 1st Nephi, 3:3, I asked, "So, how many fathers did Nephi have?" and Austin and Layla responded together, "Four!" So they were paying attention. Layla, Ryan, and Nicholas "read" by repeating the words after us (something we learned from Mike and Adrianne and their boys); Layla can handle phrases, Ryan two or three words, and Nicholas one word if he can pronounce it. If he can't pronounce it or doesn't want to, he says "wally" but like "oo-waah-lee" and the adults try not to laugh outloud, because he says it frequently sometimes. Scripture time is very interesting, all things considered.

I ran across an interesting website I thought I should share. It looks like a good free savings vehicle for kids (if the adults are saving money for them) and adults with a savings goal, currently paying 3.25% and if, when you reach your goal, you convert it to a participating company's gift card (best buy, Home Depot, etc), you can get up to an extra 6% on the total amount. It's . Check it out!

Love, Dad

Mom says, PS. Andy has a new post on his blog.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Scripture reading with kids is pretty entertaining. It's almost as fun as it was while I was on my mission. I remember reading numerous times and learning very interesting things, like Nephi once met Captain Kirk while fighting klingons. Sometimes I was surprised afterwards with how long it took me to realize that I had fallen asleep and my dreams were turning the scriptures into wierdness...

Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

Nick would say he wanted to rent oo-waah-lee every time we'd go to the rental place, but he'd never pick it. I guess it turns out hejust likes saying it.
Any way, hey Jess. Let's get up some Mexico pictures and stories:)

Jess and Jason said...

Just so everyone knows, I am posting Mexico pics, etc right now...

We are terrible parents and don't read scriptures with our kids. Maybe we will now that we know how entertaining it can be!

Pitcher Family said...

Ours is more like:
Braden, it's your turn, Braden, Braden, Braden it's your turn.
What did you say?
I wanted to be first. I never get to be first.
Do we have to read, can't we just go to bed.
This is boring!!
I'm not whining!
Sit back down!
Get off your brother!
Why doesn't Jacob have to read? That's not fair!
What did we just read about?
What, what did you say? I don't know.
Sadly, Mom doesn't usually know either.
Everybody be quiet and fold your arms so we can pray!!