Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Adrianne

Today is Adrianne's birthday. She is getting SO OLD!!! I just wanted to announce it to everyone. We are going to dinner tonight, so if you try to call at all, you might have to talk to our baby-sitter.


Friday, April 20, 2007

A few months ago, our base housing went privatized. At the kick off, they had free hotdogs and different fair type booths. They took this picture of us for free and told us they would mail it to us. It only took them two months longer than I had expected.

Today, I had to go on a road march. While normaly very boring, I really enjoyed this one because I brought Nick along instead of a ruck sack. He fell asleep almost right away and I was entertained by watching the shadow of his head bounce up and down the next thrity minutes.

While the Easter bunny missed our house on Easter Sunday, he did manage to make a stop after everthing in walmart was clearance. We managed to get his picture just before he hopped off.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring Time!

It looks like spring might actually make an appearance this year. I saw some buds on the bushes yesterday. It got up to 65 yesterday and is almost as nice today. We love it. I have on capris and flip flops and never want to see another sweater for months! Mikayla is unable to wear short sleeves yet... "No one at school is wearing short sleeves yet, Mom!!" She is so silly! She put on flip flops as soon as she got home from school.
At this time of year, something less exciting also happens... end of the semester and finals. Mike is getting even more busy, if that is possible. He has to finish up papers and get ready for finals. Oh, and find a job. Along that line, I am requesting prayers and hopes and thoughts from all of you. Anything sent up in the right direction will surely be helpful. We are hopeful at this time to get a position in Bismarck, but time will tell. Thanks to all!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tulip Festival

On Monday we went to the tulip festival, which is about an hour from our house. We went on a tractor ride through the tulips and had a lot of fun looking at all of the pretty colors. (I will post more pictures on our Blog.)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Doctor Emit Brown

How many of you have seen Back to the future? You know Doc...after being on the beach we think Ryan looked just like he did! What do you think?

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Happy Easter!
We all went and saw the Easter Bunny at the mall yesterday, and Sarah got her picture taken with him.
Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Sunday, April 01, 2007