Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Mom Birthday Pictures

Happy Birthday to you!

Did Dad just tell Mom how much that necklace cost?
For some reason my computer wouldn't work to put these pictures with the other post...but here they are!

Mom's Birthday

Austin was trying Grandma and Grandpa's present!

Mom and Dad in front of their edible arrangements present.

The surprise birthday dinner for mom. She thought they were just coming over to look at the basement and then we were going to go out. That didn't sound like fun to me, five kids in a restaurant...so we planned a surprise at our house! I think she was surprised!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mike's chewing habits

Tonight we had Fajitas. I ate 5.3 ounces of fajita stuff (meat, peppers, onions), one tortilla and some sauteed zucchini and mushrooms. All of this equalled 310 calories. That makes 1000 calories exactly for me today.

The boys and Mike also had Fajitas. Will made a comment that his food wasn't going down his throat very well and it hurt. I told him he needed to follow Mike's example and chew his food more. So we decided to count how many times Mike chewed one piece of meat: 79 times!!

That is why he is skinny and I am not.

Friday, June 26, 2009

"Richards Family Renuion"

So, while Adrianne and I were sitting here talking, she looked down at the table and gasped like she doest when she sees a big spider. I waited, like I do when she makes that noise, to find out why she was making it. She said, "Seriously?!?" And then she picked upt the photo book of our family reunion and pointed to the title, "The Richards family Renuion." Nice that we've had that for over a year, shown it tons of people, and never noticed that it doesn't say "reunion"...what is a renuion, anyway? How many of you noticed this, and were too nice to point it out to us?

I can imagine Dad noticing it right away and having to pretend like it was fine every time he looked at it...

Oh well. Soryy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trip Pics

So, here are some pics from the trip we took a month ago... I know I am a slow poke in the blog area, but enjoy them anyway, who knows when you will get new pics. This is Braden and his cousin Mason at the Pirate party we had in Calgary. We celebrated Mason's bday, Mike's Mom Barb's bday and Grandma Rolfson's bday. Lots of fun. Lots of cake!
Mikayla and her cousin Katie were flower girls at Tara's (Mike's sister) wedding in Calgary. So beautiful!

At the pirate party...

At the Calgary zoo... lots of behinds.

The kids in a kangaroo pouch, not real obviously, at the Calgary zoo.

Monday, June 08, 2009

New post

Please see my blog...

Monday, June 01, 2009

A fine post from Adrianne (title by Mike)

This is Isaac's first drawing of a person. I just love it.
Isaac drew lines for Mike.

Will was very excited about his picture. He said, "Look Mom! I can draw fingers!" So cute.

Their flowers. Will's is red and Isaac's is blue.

My sister recently posted something on my family blog about how her husband always answers "fine" to questions. I totally know what she is talking about. Actually, we recently (Mike and I that is) just got in a little tiff about that very thing. When I ask him if my hair is nice, he is supposed to say, "It's beautiful" not, "it's fine." You get the gist of it. Anyway, today we made little pictures. We aren't painting in this house because we won't really be here long enough so I wanted to paint a mural but haven't quite made up my mind so I painted a little dinosaur painting and will paint another dinosaur. Then I will probably do a mural of a plane in Eli's room. The boys made flowers because Will wants to plant something and so we had a follow on FHE tonight about The Creation and then went and bought plants. They also drew pictures. Above is our artwork. The boys were very excited to show Mike. Isaac said, "Daddy will say it's so beautiful." and then Will responded, "Daddy doesn't say, "it's so beautiful. Only Mommy says that." So when Mike got home I showed him my dinosaur and he said it looked "great." I said "does it look fantastic?" And he said, "No. It's a picture of a dinosaur that is supposed to look like a cartoon." What?! Doesn't he know he's supposed to say, "It looks freaking fantastic." At least he told the truth and didn't give me a non-answer like "fine." And, to his credit, when the boys showed him their artwork he said, "Oh, it looks so pretty." Way to prove Will wrong.