Monday, May 28, 2007

Matching Furniture

These are pictures of our first pieces of matching furniture. Jessica gave us a table and benches but when we got them we refinished the table so now the table and benches don't match anymore. Mike helped our friend Dave move and rather than sell the furniture he gave them to us. We are very grateful for all the people that give us nice stuff. It isn't my favorite style and I would never choose glass with little boys (little hand prints all over!) but we are grateful to have them. We are also glad to have our first entertainment system that isn't a piece of painted wood!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I got the free Netflix trial coupon in the mail and am tempted by it. Do any of you belong to Netflix? What plan do you have? What do you think about it?
We have been frequent patrons of Redbox (they are at McDonalds and you pay $1 per day per movie), but it is appealing to have the movies come right to you and there are no late fees...
I would love to have any opinions.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Makes me smile monday

My friend does a makes me smile monday post each Monday. Sometimes she picks a topic and sometimes just writes something that makes her happy. So, it's Sunday but I still want to know what makes you smile.

It makes me smile when Will says, "I yuv you."
It also makes me smile to feel healthy.

Those are just two things but what makes you smile?

No new posts

Well, our blog has been kind of slow lately, so I decided to post a conversation starter:

Name your favorite candy bar...and tell what you like about it

Jason's favorite candy bar is a Snickers (that may be because we just ate one). The reason that he knows it is his favorite is because when he is standing there in the checkout line, that is what he always picks. He likes Scor Bars, but they get stuck in his teeth and he hates to eat anything that makes him feel like it is rotting his teeth. He is the only person I know that actually flosses everyday, sometimes twice. He just said, "if I always had floss, I would get a Scor!" But if he could pick anything to eat at all, it would be dill chips. YES, he would choose pickles over chocolate. No wonder he is so thin.

My favorite (this is Jess) is...really anything that has chocolate. I love butterfingers, scor bars, whoppers, snickers. Reeces Peanut Butter cups always are delicious. Dove chocolate in my favorite kind...when I eat the little bite sized ones, I let one melt in my mouth and then chew one, then melt, then chew. You can see how this can be dangerous, because when do I stop eating them? I always have to have a tall cold glass of skim milk after I have eating any kind of chocolate!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

And the winner is...

Well, looks like boys are in the lead, still. Baby Pitcher #4 is almost positive to be a boy, as the US doctor showed us repeatedly from several different angles. The baby was shy, with his hands up by his face. He has long legs, as compared to his other measurements. He also is measuring 6 days earlier than the expected date, which may mean he actually comes on time, unlike his brother and sister who were both late. We are happy and excited and now have to start thinking of boy names.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Uncombable Hair Syndrome

This is not a joke!!
Yesterday I took Ryan and Austin to the doctor. They did height and weight, they are both growing well. Then doctor checked Austin out, asked him all kinds of funny questions like "what do you do with shoes?" And Austin had funny responses like, "Put them in the hang." Which is what we call the white bench that we store shoes in...Anyway, when Austin was all checkout, the doctor started looking at Ryan. He asked me some questions then started listening to him and looking him over. It was a little odd because he kept asking me questions about Ryan's hair, "has anyone ever cut it? has it always been like this? does anyone else in the family have hair like this?" It was all a little weird. So then he left and said that nurse would be in to give the boys their shots.
A few minutes later he comes back in with our normal doctor and has her look at Ryan's hair and she asks me all kinds of questions.
It turns out that there are Vitamin Deficiencies that will show up in the way a child's hair looks and they want me to take him to a dermatologist!!!

Uncombable hair syndrome
, also known as Pili trianguli et canaliculi and Spun glass hair is a rare structural anomaly of the hair with a variable degree of effect. It has been discovered in the 1970's[1] It becomes apparent from as little as 3 months to up to 12 years. The hair is normal in quantity and is usually silvery-blond or straw-colored. It is disorderly, it stands out from the scalp, and cannot be combed flat.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gasoline Prices are Driving Me Crazy!

I had to go and fill up Laura's car this evening and to my dismay the cheapest gas in town was $3.39/gallon. I spent $125 to fill up. I heard on the news that Seattle's prices are second only to LA. How much are you all paying for gasoline? I hope not near as much as me. I also heard that we can expect to see it over $4/gallon by the end of summer. I sure hope not!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Boy or Girl?!?!

What do you think? Now is the time for you to cast your vote. Will Baby Pitcher #4 be a boy or a girl?? The kids have been telling everyone it is a girl... Only the Ultra Sound will know (hopefully!). I have an appointment on Friday morning, so you have a few days to think about it. I have no thoughts or opinions now... so I don't have to vote! We'll let you know...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Isaac got hurt

Isaac fell off a dresser and broke his collar bone. It is very sad but he will be healded in about two weeks.