Sunday, August 07, 2011

Family Re(n)union Option

I looked into some housing possibilities here in the springs. This link takes you to Farish, the campgrounds owned by the Academy. It is more expensive than what we were planning on in Washington. Click on the links on the bottom left hand side to see prices and maps of the area. I'll look and see if there are other lodges available...and I'll update this post if I find anything worth reporting on.


Pitcher Family said...

I looked and couldn't really figure it all out. I found the prices for things but didn't find what the lodging really was. Colorado is closer for us than Washington. Only 13 hours drive. We'd be happy to come there.

Mike said...

Yeah--the website doesn't say much about what the place is. Maybe we'll try and go over there within the next few days and check it out. I'd also like to talk with someone about the room maximums. If we could put one more person in most of the rooms, it would work better.