Thursday, March 05, 2009


We've been trying to work on our food storage, now that we have space to keep it in. It's kind of fun to watch your stock pile of food and toiletries grow. Now we need to work on water. In the past we have bought packs of bottled water. I don't know if this is the best way to go about it. I wondered how do the rest of you store water? What is the best way? In one apartment we lived in we would fill up all our empty milk jugs and add a bit of bleach to them. Was that good or bad? I've heard of people who use 3 liter bottles, but then we'd have to buy soda, and we don't. What do you suggest? What do you do??
Thanks for your help!!


Shannon said...

We store water in big 50 gallon plastic water drums in our garage. I learned that bleach will make you really sick and that you shouldn't add it. (In the old days they didn't add stuff to bleach and it was fine.) Instead you should buy chlorine tablets sold for personal swimming pools and use them. You can look up the ratio on-line. If you don't have room for big drums they do sell 5-gallon tubs for water storage as well.

Mike and Adrianne said...

We heard that soda bottles and milk bottles weren't good if you were planning on keeping the water stored for a long time. We use juice bottles.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I thought soda bottles were fine, but milk jugs are not...who knows. I also think we've read somewhere (Dad should be able to tell us more about this stuff...) that if you are using city water that is chlorinated, you don't really need to do anything to treat your water before storing it. A lot of bleaches are made of the same stuff in pool chlorine, too--though some are not. We use plastic juice bottles (after washing them) to store water. We don't have enough because we don't buy juice very often. But, it's better than nothing.


Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

I get my water deliverd to me on big wooden pallets out side of our little housing area. They tell us not to drink the water that comes out of the faucett, or even brush our teeth with it, but I always forget to bring a bottle with me. I just try really hard to spit really well:)