Saturday, April 16, 2011


It's been a while since anyone reported on what they've been reading, so I thought I would give it a stab. I just finisehd reading a book that was a collection of presentations/articles on the Joseph Smith Translation (JST). It was interesting most of the time. There were parts that I felt I had to drag myself through. I learned/was reminded of some things, like: A large portion of our doctrine came as a result of the translation--Joseph would read something and have a question about it or about the revision he was given and the answer would come as a revelation with new doctrine. Another thing I learned--I had no idea that the church was against using the JST for a large portion of it's history and that it's only been since the 1960's that the church has warmed up to it. I also didn't know that our footnotes and exerpts still don't include the entirety of the JST.

I'm finally getting back to the comprehensive history of the church. I'm on volume 5 now. What has everyone else been reading?

1 comment:

Jess and Jason said...

Reading? I barely have time to bathe...let alone read! Maybe someday...