Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So today something interesting happened... I was making peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches, that is not the interesting part, stay with me. I had to get a new jar out, as peanutbutter consumption is about a jar a week at our house. A friend had given me a jar of Skippy so I pulled that out and spread it on the bread. Well, I got a bit on my finger and had to lick it off. It was soooo good! I have always been a JIF fan, and so this got me curious. What kind of peanutbutter do you use/like the most? Please don't tell me you buy a generic brand. We buy lots of generic brand foods, but there are just somethings that require a certain brand, so what is yours??

By the way, my faith in JIF has been rocked, I just don't know what kind I will get next time I need more.


Mike and Adrianne said...

I think we just buy the cheapest we can find at the commissary. We don't go through it that fast though.

Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

We have JIF just because that's what I remember mom getting when we where kids. We have a bunch of jars left over from when we where on wic. Since we don't eat much, we've started getting different kinds of beans.

Pitcher Family said...

I can't believe you are not loyal to a certain brand! Peanutbutter is one of those important things, like macaroni and cheese, of course we all know to buy Kraft... right?!?!?

Mike and Adrianne said...

We do get Kraft Mac and Cheese. I think we get the cheapest name brand that we recognize on the peanut butter, same with toothpaste; I always get the same deoderant and for shampoos I usually have whatever is cheapest and Adrianne gets something slightly nicer than the cheapest stuff. We will only use huggies diapers--they have provided the best leak protection of all the brands we've tried. Cheapest dish soap, laundary detergent, canned goods, and most everything else.


Jess and Jason said...

I have always thought that I prefer JIF, but now I wonder...
I do usually buy the cheapest between JIF and Skippy. But lately we have had coupons for JIF.

I have a confession to make. I have been buying non-Kraft Mac and Cheese. It was SO much cheaper, I couldn't resist. And all truth be told, it really isn't that different. We have tried two different off brands and Jason actually liked one of them more than Kraft.

Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

I liked the generic mac and cheese better. The Kraft seems more watered down, and the generic had a stronger cheese flavor.