Thursday, February 07, 2008

Valentine's Day

So, what is everyone doing for Valentine's day? I'm am looking for some fun ideas for my family. I may just go with a heart shaped pizza. The kids have been making cards for thier friends. Mikayla has a program at school on the 13th. I think I will also make candy trains and CHOO CHOO Choose them for my Valentines. Any other fun ideas?
I remember one year in high school, I must have been in 7th grade. Some group was selling carnations for Valentine's day. You could buy one and write a message and they would deliver it for you on Valentine's day. I was so surprised when I got one that day. I felt so special, as a goofy 13 year old to be getting a flower. Guess who gave it to me? Ralph! Wasn't that a nice brother?
One year Mom bought us all balloons and tied them to our chair. I also remember once coming to dinner and having some little gift on our plates.
I've tried to be fun and create on this loving day, but Mike hates Valentine's day, so I never expect anything.
Does anyone else have fun memories of Valentine's day?


Mike and Adrianne said...

My mom always made us candy cards, you know the kind that says, "You're worth a 100 grand" with the candy bar? I also like to make heart shaped pancakes in the morning with red food coloring. We don't really celebrate it as a couple though. Maybe someday we will.

Jess and Jason said...

I have to work that night at 3pm, so the idea of heart shaped pancakes is a great one.

I also remember mom giving us fun little gifts.

That really is a nice brother!

Richards in Seattle said...

I try to put a little treat in the kids backpack that morning and a treat in Ralph's car for him to have on the way to work. We don't celebrate it much either.