Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Open the flood gates

Well, once again we have tested and proven the tithing theory. Not intentionally, anyway here is our latest story.

Jason is going to school, as you all know. He will be taking 12 credits this semester. He is going to the local community college so it is not terribly expensive, but it does add up, especially when we are really tight to start with.

So back in May or June I went on line after a friend told me where to go and what to do and I filled out the FAFSA. It had to be turned in by July 1. A week or so later we got something in the mail from the school asking us to fill more stuff out and send in a copy of our most recent tax returns. We did all that. A few weeks later we got another thing saying that Jason did not sign his tax return and he needed to. So he went to the office got that all done and they submitted it.

We never heard anything back. I checked on line and it said that his expected cost of school was $12,000 (which includes books, housing, etc) and he had been awarded no financial aid. I wasn't that surprised, mostly just disappointed.

So, now we have to pay his tuition by the 31st of July so he doesn't lose his classes. I was getting more and more worried. We are going to have to put it on a credit card. So last Thursday I told him to go to the financial aid office and find out about student loans. When he got there they pulled up his record and found that it had never been submitted. I was SO angry!!! They told him that they would turn it in then.

Well, the next day I looked on line and found that he had been awarded enough money to cover his classes and his books for the entire year!! I was so happy. I called him in and made him look at it with me. Then we knelt down and thanked Heavenly Father for once again saving us with a HUGE blessing.


Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm so happy for you guys. What a relief.

Pitcher Family said...

That's wonderful!! What a great example that the first thing you did was thank Heavenly Father. I find that I get so happy when good things happen and forget until later to be properly grateful. Yeah for you!!