Saturday, October 04, 2008

Destructo Man

My little one year old boy (birthday pictures on my blog) is a constant mess maker. He climbs into everything, pulls things out of all the cupboards and drawers he can open, throws things on the floor and says uh oh! He is so cute, but I have twice as much to clean up now that he has learned these new abilities. When he gets hungry, he climbs over to the snack cabinet, pulls out some cookies or crackers and eats right thru the package. I finally have had to lock some of the cupboards up. He pulls out all the pots and climbs inside that cupboard while I am cooking dinner. He loves to watch things fall and say uh oh. Ah, what a fun stage this is.


Jess and Jason said...

He really is cute! I love the look on his face in the top picture. He looks so proud of himself!

Dad and Mom said...

We have a similar problem with mice except they don't pull out pots and pans, just eat stuff and leave their calling cards...Mom thinks I should get rid of them.