Wednesday, January 27, 2010


You might not believe it but we are done with our puzzle. Don't worry if you are not even close, as we started long before most of you. I am too lazy to take a picture right now, but you all know what the puzzle looks like. I will not post our time until others of you are ready. I wouldn't want to scare you!!


Andy Laura Nick and Noah said...

Congradulations Mandy

Pitcher Family said...

FYI: You will not be getting a picture. Jacob just destroyed it. I am grateful that he waited until we were done. I guess he thought I had spent enough time with the puzzle.

Jess and Jason said...

let's see, I would venture to say that I am may 15% done...maybe...

Richards in Seattle said...

Yeah...that's what happened at my house too. We finished and the dog ate it. Sorry, no picture.