Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Buckshot's Modern Trapper's Guide

Buckshot's Modern Trapper's Guide for Xtreme Safety, Survival, Profit, Pleasure

I just finished this book. It was interesting. I don't think it was as good as it could have been, but I enjoyed it. The biggest problem was that it lacked picture or illustrations. I had to go on line to figure out what he was talking about with each of the different kinds of traps, and most of the "sets" he described are still not clear to me.

Basically, the book discusses the different kinds of traps, how to trap (and snare) different animals, how to skin and eat the various animals you trap.

I did learn a lot. I think it would be valuable to have a set of traps and snaring equipment. I also think it would be good to practice trapping before the skill is needed for survival. There are laws that regulate trapping animals and seasons for each kind. Here in Colorado, for example, it appears to be illegal to use snares that strangle animals. A "survival" set of traps and snares starts around $200. I won't buy one until I have a good place to trap animals and someone who's actually done it before to show me how. In the mean time, I'll add it to my list of skills to develop.


Pitcher Family said...

The idea of traps has always been a scary and dangerous one to me.

Mike said...

What about them is scary and dangerous to you? The fact that they snap down so hard was a little scary to me, but, after watching people set them, they don't seem so scary. They've got safety clips so that they won't go off while you're working with them.