Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farm Day During the Re[n]union?

I talked to my boss that is a "farmer" to see if we could come see what he does during our family reunion. He sent me this link describing a previous farm day. I think it would be fun to do as a family (at least for those who are interested). Let me know what you think, and I'll let him know. When we get dates finalized, I'll schedule something with him, if people are interested.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Do you all like how my hubby makes fun of me?!

Pitcher Family said...

I think that would be an interesting thing to do!

Jess and Jason said...

I didn't even notice that he had written it that way! Meany Mikey. I would like to do a farm day!

Pitcher Family said...

Ok, we've talked and would not like to do anything of the killing/plucking/skinning nature, but maybe a part day activity.

Dad and Mom said...

It looks like great fun to us!!