Sunday, October 08, 2006

Growing Up, Barely Surviving

Ryan has been learning and growing a lot. We are not as prepared for him as we should be. He has fallen down the stairs twice now...the second time I didn't even realize that he had fallen, I just noticed that his cry seemed muted somehow. I went to look at him and he was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. So I finally put a gate up, but didn't latch it securely. He pulled that over on him. He eats everything he finds on the floor, which all of you know is a lot at our house. Heavenly Father must have made babies very strong to survive.
A month or so ago Austin and Layla were jumping around in their room. Austin started crying and Jason went in to see what was wrong. Austin said he fell and bumped his head and would not stop crying, so Jason told him to go to bed and left. After a few minutes I went in and told him to calm down that he was okay. He still would not stop crying so I got ready to leave when I noticed blood all over his pillow! He had cracked the back of his head open. We put gauze on it and wrapped it up. Of course Layla had to have a "hat" on too!
Once again, it is amazing that my kids survive! Anyone else as negligent?


Richards in Seattle said...

They both look so happy and cute in their hats. He should have cracked his head open a long time ago.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Your kids are so cute! I love the "hats."

Pitcher Family said...

I don't think you are neglegent... after all you did take the time to take a picture of your baby laying under the gate screaming so you could scrapbook it later. They are cute happy kids!