Friday, May 02, 2008

Is the indicator light on??

I know babies don't come with an instruction manual. I have accepted that. I know we have to learn as we go and that it is good for us. However, I wish they had lights, like on car dashboards, that would indicate when they are sick, or tired, or hungry, so we could act accordingly.
Today Mikayla's teacher called and told me that Mikayla needed to talk to me. Her ear hurt, again. This was the second time this week that she had asked to go to the nurse/office because it hurt. She's had a cold with a cough for just over a week, has been complaining of a sore throat and her ear hurting. I decided I better get her into the doctor before we had to deal with an infection all weekend long. She has had lots of infections, both ears at a time and burst eardrums. So, I called and had to schedule an appointment with a different doctor since ours was booked. She complained most of the afternoon until the appointment.
I woke up Tyson from a nap, carried him and Jacob into the office. I paid the $20 to see the doctor. I held one happy wiggly baby and one whiney grumpy boy and waited to hear what was wrong with her, hoping that she had an infection to make it worth coming in to the office.
She has fluid in her ear, it should drain out soon. It's not infected, yet... Her throat is fine. Her tonsils are fine. Everything is fine! He gave me two prescriptions, one for drops to numb the pain and one for amoxicylin (however you spell that). I'm supposed to go to the pharmacist with all my kids right now to buy the drops. Then if she is still in pain in three days, I am supposed to go back to the pharmacist and get the medicine.
Yeah right. We have drops from last time that we will use, although the doctor says they are probably expired. She will probably be fine in the morning. I am out 20 bucks.
I know I sound like an uncaring mom, but all of this could have been avoided if she only had an indicating light that told me she just has a cold.


Pitcher Family said...

Oops, I meant to put this on my blog, not sure how that happened. Guess it doesn't really matter.

Richards in Seattle said...

I think this is a good thing to put on the family blog. I'm sorry you're kids are sick. I like that your doctor gave you the prescription and let you decide. Our doctor just sends us away and tells us to come back in 3 days if they're not better. And at $25 each visit. I hope everyone is healthy soon!

Jess and Jason said...

I am with you! Only they would have to have either ten different lights (teething, tired-bedtime, hungry, sick, really sick, tired-naptime, angry, jeolous, etc).

That is really nice that your doctor will give you the prescription. Ours is more like Ralph's doctor where we have to go five days in a row about the same thing. At $30 a visit.

Mike and Adrianne said...

We're pretty lucky as far as copays go. The only cost for going to the doctors is the time it takes to go(they are close by--the real price is for Adrianne to get everyone ready and out the door). Since the boys doctor is off base, we sometimes think the $3-$9 for the prescription is worth paying at a pharmacy compared with the amount of time it takes to get it filled for "free" on base.

I like the idea of indicator lights, though. I'd like one that says, "Telling the truth," so I could know when Will is not telling me what really happened.
