Tuesday, June 03, 2008


It's going to take alot of food and planning to feed all of us at Mom and Dad's house. So that Mom can start to plan and prepare for the invasion and so that I can feel planned, as I am an overplanner and love it, lets start talking food. I think we need to plan lunches and dinners and once they are planned we can make preparation and cleanup assignments. So here we go!!

Sunday (fast Sunday, but some of us will still need food)
~What time is church? Do we eat a big meal after, or a meal later at dinner time?
We will NEED dessert this night, too.

Picnic lunch: sub type sandwiches?
chips, fruit, cookies?

Party dinner: we had lots of different appetizers once for the party dinner, it was yummy!!
Bread bowl dip
veggie/fruit pizza
stuffed mushrooms

BBQ lunch at Crowls


Beach picnic fried chicken

Dinner Junk on boardwalk

Picnic lunch



Dinner Mexican???

Some of us will be leaving this day, but mom will probably still feed the rest of you, right?


We also should share what types of foods we need for snacks or if you have a favorite breakfast food you can't live without. What I put above are just suggestions, they can be easily changed. Please give any and all suggestions so we can help mom to get prepared!!


Jess and Jason said...

I think we should have Mexican food on Sunday night for dinner. Maybe have sand which fixings for lunch on Sunday for those who aren't able to fast.

Then we get to eat the left overs throughout the rest of the week!

Richards in Seattle said...

Sarah usually has one scrambled egg for breakfast. She is allergic to milk, so that makes breakfast a little more difficult for her. Sarah also eats peanut butter and Jelly sometimes for lunch. The older kids eat just about anything. Mexican food on Sunday sounds great!

Mike and Adrianne said...

We probably won't be there on Sunday so we will miss all the yummy food.... :(

Pitcher Family said...

When will you get here, Adrianne?

Dad and Mom said...

I would like to suggest:

Pot roast, potatoes and carrots for Sunday dinner. That is what we had almost every Sunday when you kids were all little.

We could have Mexican food for dinner Thursday or Friday with leftovers for Fridays or Saturdays lunch.

We could try plugging in Chuck E Cheese for dinner Tuesday or we could have Chuck E Cheese for lunch Tuesday and then spend the afternoon at Crowl's followed by a BBQ there for dinner.

We will have plenty of eggs for Sarah and anyone else who would like them.

We haven't yet suggested any dessert ideas, I would love to have (make) apple pies for one night.

I'm getting hungry just thinking about all of this food!

Dad and Mom said...

Our church meetings are from 9am til 12. We could have dinner shortly after church or snacks for any not fasting at lunch time and dinner at 5 or 6. We will see which idea suits the most people and go with that. Or, we will see who is the most committed to fasting !

Mike and Adrianne said...

An easy and good desert would be that icecream cake we did for Adrianne's birthday.

We're pretty happy with any food options.

Our boys like string cheese, raisons, gold fish, cheez-its, fruit snacks, veggies and ranch (will actually eats ranch with more things than I do), apple slices, oranges, bananananas, pretzels, pudding, berry applesauce,...um I'm sure there are other things, but any of those would work great.

Isaac is additced to candy (he asks for it constantly) so please, if you give him some, don't show him where you got it from.

Cream Italian chicken should be pretty easy to make en mass.

We could also eat our dog...

Can we grill different kinds of sausages on one of our grilling days?

Pitcher Family said...

I have to admit that we like to have a sweet after most meals. A cookie will usually suffice. Or a popsicle/fudgesicle/ice cream sandwich. Or anything sweet and tasty.

Sunday-Pot Roast dinner (rolls?)
Apple Pie

I just got the post from Mike and Adrianne and I second all of those snack options. We also do granola bars, apples with caramel, and grapefruit(really any fruit). I do not want to eat the dog.

I also second the Chuck E. CHeese for some meal. Can we have homemade salsa and guacamole sometime?

Pitcher Family said...

Oh yeah, my kids also like gogurts.