Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Strength Training

Today the boys and I were doing some Taebo. During the exercise I pointed out a move, "That exercises your bum muscle."
He looked at me and grinned, "Does that mean I can poop faster?!?!?"
He thought that quite hilarious and continued to say, "I can poop fast with my poop muscle!"
Then after he was done he went and lifted his chair up to see if he was any stronger yet.
If only we all found as much joy in exercise!!!


Mike and Adrianne said...

That is hilarious. I like when Will copies me when I exercise. He runs around the house and says, "I exercising. I all wet." We bought him his own little weights and it is so funny to watch him. Anyway, that is pretty smart of Tyson or Braden (couldn't tell which one) to think about pooping faster if his bum muscle gets stronger. Funny.

Jess and Jason said...

Kids really do say the funniest things!
My kids are amazing at doing squats. I HATE squats and dread them, but the kids just squat down and pop right back up with out all the grunting and moaning and soreness that I have.